Clear on Plastics

Cutting through the confusion with clear, evidence-based information

Clear on Plastics™ is a campaign brought to you by WRAP, and supported by The UK Plastics Pact. It exists to cut through the confusion and give citizens clear, evidence-based information on plastics and sustainability, allowing them to make their own informed choices.

Our aim is to give people clear information about the complex world of plastics, waste and recycling – for instance, explaining the role of plastics, and demonstrating the balance between the benefits and drawbacks of alternatives. 

The campaign aims to make citizens feel more well-informed about plastics in order to make their own, sustainable choices; with content based on the latest citizen conversations, online and in the media, in order to achieve reach and impact.

Clear on Plastics is a social media led campaign amplified by influencer content and the support of UK Plastics Pact members, Pact supporters and other partners such as Local Authorities.

Why do we need to change the conversation?

Before we can change the behaviours of citizens, they need to be armed with information to make informed decisions.

If we can add clarity in a world of complex information and a complicated narrative on plastic pollution, then there is a greater chance that we can influence positive behaviour change in the future.

We see Clear on Plastics as an awareness campaign which has the potential to unlock this behaviour change – it is not a behaviour change campaign itself.

Discover more about Clear on Plastics Discover more about the "Repeat the cycle-plastic bags and wrapping" campaign