Helping you support your members & associates
Take advantage of WRAP's catalogue of free reports guidance and tools, that can help you and your members understand the opportunities and overcome many of the challenges presented by the move to a circular economy for plastics. Help them make the right plastic packaging choices in line with our UK Plastics Pact targets.
Our resources can help organisations adapt their business models and transform their products and packaging so they are ahead of any government legislative action as well as remaining at the leading edge of business change.
Resources at your fingertips
Tackling the issues surrounding plastic waste requires a coordinated effort and involves the entire plastics value chain. Your members and associates can use our resources to help make the right decisions when it comes to plastics and packaging.
View our selection below or see the comprehensive list here
Design tips for making rigid plastic packaging more recyclable
Polymer choice and recyclability guidance for packaging designers, brands and retailers
24 April 2024
Eliminating problem plastics
Eliminating problematic and unnecessary plastics. Your guide to taking action.
24 February 2022
Helping your members and associates
Take action on plastic waste
- Raise awareness of the resources available on the WRAP website. WRAP publications provide a trusted source of evidence and guidance to help members make informed decisions on the use of plastic in products and packaging.
- Share key documents and guidance with your members as they become available.
- Promote best practice in reuse and refill, removal of problematic plastics, redesign of packaging for greater recyclability and introduction of recycled content.
- Engage with The UK Plastics Pact. Tell us about the specific issues facing your sector and how we can help.
- Collaborate. Become a UK Plastics Pact supporter and be at the forefront of innovation and sector wide change as we develop solutions to address plastic waste.
- Communicate by using our world leading citizen behaviour change campaigns and research materials to help businesses develop innovative consumer recycling messaging and promote key messages through their marketing channels.
- Become a champion for your sector. Lead initiatives, using our resources to guide you, your members and associates.
What can your members and associates do?
Redesigning packaging for greater recyclability
Removing problematic plastic packaging from product portfolios
Introducing re-use systems
Engaging with citizens to change recycling behaviours
Introducing more recycled content into packaging
Recycling and reprocessing capability & capacity investment
Policy landscape in the UK
Working with governments and businesses
In the UK, the EU, and further afield, governments are consulting on policies that could enable the improved supply of quality recovered plastics and demand-pull mechanisms that, up until recently, have largely been absent.
The UK governments recent Resources and Waste Strategy offers some bold and radical solutions. These proposals collectively have the potential to transform the landscape for the way we manage resources and waste in the future.
These include Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) for packaging, Deposit Return Schemes (DRS) and consistent municipal recycling collections (set to be introduced from 2023), and a tax on plastics packaging with low levels of recycled content (scheduled for April 2022).
Our citizen behaviour change campaigns
Direct your members and associates to our citizen behaviour change campaigns. They provide a provide a wealth of free resources and campaign assets that help make recycling behaviour change possible.
Recycle Now
Use our world leading citizen behaviour change research and campaign materials. Recycle Now adds credibility, recognition and value to your consumer messaging on recycling.
Clear on Plastics
Talk to your customers - WRAP's Clear on Plastics campaign exists to cut through the confusion and give citizens clear, evidence-based information on plastics and sustainability, allowing them to make their own informed choices.
Who's signed up?
Take a look at our full list of UK Plastics Pact members and enquire about becoming a Pact supporter.
Our other initiatives
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