Designing services to improve the quantity and quality of collected materials
For almost two decades WRAP has worked alongside local authorities, waste management companies, recycling organisations and reprocessors to develop a number of resources to support the implementation, and improve the effectiveness of, kerbside collections and drop-off points like HWRCs.
Since 2016 we have been working with government and local authorities to help introduce greater consistency in household recycling, in order to make it easier for households to recycle more. By making it more effective for councils and others to provide services, and improve the quantity and quality of materials, we can work together to bring about a step change in recycling rates and fully realise the value of recycled materials.
One-to-one support to help design services
WRAP are the trusted advisers to help local authorities understand the policy environment in which they are operating and can help develop their services on the ground. We have supported local authorities to review their existing services, add specific schemes materials such as food waste collections, and have helped develop specifications for full service renewals.
Explore our good practice guidance, resources and tools below to help you assess the performance of your existing services, or get in touch for one-to-one support.
Contact us to request one-to-one service design support:
Key service design reports and guidance
Tools to help with service design
Explore our tools to help local authorities benchmark costs and performance of their kerbside dry recycling and residual collections.