Recycling bins and truck

Technical support

Helping local authorities deliver quality waste collection and recycling services

One-to-one support

We work on a one-to-one basis with many individual local authorities or groups of authorities, providing free and impartial guidance and support on topics such as:

  • Performance data and benchmarking

  • Options modelling and appraising future collection options

  • Procurement of collection services

  • Service design, implementation and evaluation

  • Communications to support service change or improve quality or capture

Explore our key areas of work with local authorities

Addressing contamination

Contamination prevention

By improving the quality of the recycling that your authority collects, you can reap the financial benefits of reduced collection and reprocessing costs, and increased revenue through the sale of higher quality materials.

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Recycling in urban areas

Recycling in urban areas

Increasing recycling in urban areas, particularly from flats, is difficult and challenging. We can help.

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Service design and implementation

Service design

For almost two decades WRAP has worked alongside local authorities, waste management companies, recycling organisations and reprocessors to develop a number of resources to support the implementation, and improve the effectiveness of, kerbside collections and drop off points like HWRCs.

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Commercial waste

Commercial waste

The guidance we have published on commercial waste will help you to optimise your trade waste service, and navigate the sometimes complex legislation relating to this area.

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Communications Guidance

Communications guidance

Effective communications are essential in encouraging communities, employees and residents to recycle more things, more often.

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Best practice guidance and market insights

  • Dry materials collection and reprocessing

    Dry materials collection and reprocessing

    Guidance on the collection, sorting and reprocessing techniques for particular materials.

  • Organics collection and reprocessing

    Organics collection and reprocessing

    Information about the value of producing energy and compost from organic wastes.

  • Recovered materials markets

    Recovered materials markets

    Market information on material values, market trends and gate fees for waste treatment and disposal.

Consistency in collections

Bringing together local authorities, the waste management industry and retailers to increase the quantity and quality of material collected for recycling.

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Get in touch

If your authority would benefit from accessing our one-to-one support, or would simply like to discuss the kind of support we can offer, please contact us at for more information.

We have a team of experts who would be very happy to help.