

Wales might not have made it into the Euros, but we are second in the world in terms of recycling ahead of many nations who competed in Germany – including Poland!  


ReFED 2024 Food Waste Solutions Summit was held in Baltimore, the birthplace of George Herman ‘Babe’ Ruth who transcended baseball to icon status. He was an impactful big hitter, an innovator, a connector for fans of the game and a true collaborator – “The way a team plays as a whole determines its success. You may have the greatest bunch of individual stars in the world, but if they don't play together, the club won't be worth a dime”.

The man himself George Herman ‘Babe’ Ruth

Spending £1000 on food which will end up in the bin is probably not a resolution for 2024, but latest WRAP research shows that the average UK household of four throws away food worth this eye watering sum, each year.


By Jackie Bailey, Senior Campaign Manager for Love Food Hate Waste


Just as humans lived through the Bronze and Iron Ages, so today we’re living in a time when one human innovation is synonymous with the era - the Plastics Age. Surveys of annual ocean sediments over decades show increases in plastics directly mirror the explosion in plastic manufacturing over the last seventy years, with microplastics in California doubling every 15 years since World War II. With plastics not only in sedimentary layers but in the air, the blood of fish and animals and even in human placentas, our plastics obsession is leaving a mark on the planet and its inhabitants.


World leaders, ministers, civil society groups, scientists and the private sector are travelling to Nairobi for the sixth session of the UN Environment Assembly (UNEA), the world’s highest environmental decision-making body.


Millions will celebrate Valentine’s Day today, some of us rushing to the stores to buy bouquets of beautiful roses – many coming from the commercial flower farms dotting the shorelines of Lake Naivasha in Kenya.


The first Global Stocktake on progress towards delivering the targets of the Paris Agreement was unequivocal – we are not on track to deliver these goals. That means that keeping the average global temperature increase to no more than 1.5oC is far more challenging than ever. In fact, global greenhouse gas emissions are still increasing.

So, what has COP28 done that could help bring us back on track?


We were certainly all running and talking in circles – positive circles that is - in October. People were marking Recycle Week with the Big Hunt for items that are being dumped in the black bin, but which could be recycled – such as shampoo bottles and plastic food trays – and it was Circular Economy Week in London. To top it all, we at WRAP launched with eBay the Circular Change Council addressing the mounds of discarded home furniture, 20% of which could have been reused. It was all yet another sign that we are on the cusp of the circular economy – championed by major brands as well as community initiatives - becoming mainstream. I am excited about this growing alternative to the old-fashioned economic thinking, offering a positive vision of change, and of the future. So, imagine my shock to discover that the circular economy has its own very old-fashioned, backward-looking prejudices!


Today is the fourth International Day of Awareness of Food Loss and Waste (IDAFLW). So, it seems only fitting to not only raise awareness of the massive global issue of food waste, but also to highlight some of the amazing action that WRAP and our international partners are taking to tackle consumer food waste around the world.