Changing the way we shop
We need to transform our relationship with plastic packaging. Only using it where it's necessary and removing it where it is problematic and unnecessary. A key part of this transformation is the shift to reuse and refill for many everyday items.
To achieve a circular economy for plastics, reuse or refill systems must become part of the mainstream shopping experience for citizens around the world, helping displace single-use plastic packaging.
Our research shows that two in three UK citizens say plastic waste is an important issue to them personally but acting on it can be challenging when shopping.
We also found that many citizens say they are trying lots of different refill / reuse behaviours and around half of those that haven’t are receptive to trying it. However, few have adopted refill as a habit

Insights and recommendations for category-focused collaboration on reusable packaging

Increasing citizen participation in reuse and refill systems

What's happening in store?
Many retailers and some brands are trialling reuse and refill solutions. With each trial there is an opportunity for collective learning that generates a greater understanding of what works commercially. We are working with UK Plastics Pact members to assess the barriers and work towards potential solutions so that we can make reuse and refill commercially viable and scalable.
Aldi Stores Ltd
Launched a refill trial store for a variety of dried rice and pasta.
Procter & Gamble
refill options launched across P&G's haircare brands.
Following an online pilot, Tesco has taken the Loop refill system into 10 stores.
Unilever has continued to grow their refill trials, now in Asda, Co-op and Tesco stores.
Waitrose & Partners
Have added 13 new products into its ‘unpacked’ lines across the four stores where refill is being piloted.
UKRI - Smart Sustainable Plastic Packaging Challenge (SSPP)
The £60 million five-year programme is underpinned by the delivery of The UK Plastics Pact targets to 2025.
It is supporting innovation across all the key areas of the waste hierarchy for fossil-based plastics. It reflects the imperative for multiple interventions to bring about system change to change our relationship with, and management of, plastic packaging.
SSPP competition winner: Unpackaged
Using refillable containers to tackle single-use plastic packaging by creating supply chain solutions