Driving a circular economy for plastic packaging
UK Plastics Pact members are responsible for 85% of plastic packaging sold through UK supermarkets. As packaging producers you have a pivotal role to play in supporting brands and retailers by ensuring that products and packaging are produced to be easily recyclable and so that they meet the needs of the environment, customers and help us achieve our shared vision of a circular economy for plastic packaging.
Who's signed up?
UK Plastics Pact members are responsible for 85% of plastic packaging sold through UK supermarkets. Find out who's signed up and how you can become involved.
What can my business do?
The UK Plastics Pact has four targets to 2025 which all help move us towards a circular economy for plastics in the UK. It is imperative all businesses in the plastics value chain take action, and here are some of the high priority areas that our Pact members are working towards.
Eliminate problematic plastics
Find alternative solutions to remove problematic plastics from your supply chain in line with our Problematic plastics report.
Flexible plastic packaging roadmap
A coordinated effort involving the entire value chain is required to fix the system to create a circular economy for flexible plastic packaging. The first step to design packaging that can be recycled and sorted.
Design for recyclability
Embed WRAP’s best practice packaging design in your business to strive towards 100% recyclability.
When and when not to use compostable packaging
Read our guidance outlining 6 applications for the use of compostable plastic packaging based on current UK infrastructure.
Black plastic packaging hub
Visit our hub for everything you need to know about the recyclability of black plastic packaging.
Eliminating problem plastics
PVC and Polystyrene
There were initially eight plastic items and materials identified for elimination under The UK Plastics Pact aligned with Target 1. Pact members have made significant progress to eliminate these items by the end of 2020, but challenges still remain around PVC and Polystyrene packaging.
Polystyrene is not recycled in the UK and PVC is a plastic which is problematic when used for and within packaging because it is not recyclable and also contaminates plastic which could otherwise be recycled. Added to this there is little way for citizens to identify it.
Urgent action is needed to address the issues associated with the use of these materials and find suitable alternatives.
Industry action
Find out what out what actions Pact members have taken in working towards the targets:
- Redesigning packaging for greater recyclability
- Removing problematic plastic packaging from product portfolios
- Introducing re-use systems
- Engaging with citizens to change recycling behaviours
- Introducing more recycled content into packaging
Driving the agenda forward
Be a champion in your business – Cascade information within your organisation to drive engagement and influence wider business strategy
Be a champion in your industry – Respond to government consultations on changing legislation, advocating for the best outcome in line with achieving a circular economy
Become a member or associate
Become a part of the solution – join like minded organisations, collaborating to find solutions to industry challenges through membership of The UK Plastics Pact.
The UK Plastics Pact annual report
Our annual report details the collective progress of our members and some of the groundbreaking work happening to transform the plastic packaging system in the UK.
Your key guidance, reports & tools
Tackling the issues surrounding plastic waste requires a coordinated effort and involves the entire plastics value chain. Learn how you can make the right changes in your business to meet this challenge head on.