Annual Report

A message from our Chair

Sebastian Munden, WRAP Chair

"It’s testament to the strength of the partnerships WRAP has convened with governments, businesses, and citizens that we can look back on a year of significant achievements."

Our partners have remained resolutely committed to the shared goal to transform the systems which are driving the unsustainable and environmentally damaging way we produce and consume food, plastics, and textiles.
You will read of many achievements we are rightly proud of this year. Here are a few that show the progress we are making against our new strategy.

Our world-leading work on tackling Scope 3 emissions has given eight retailers the confidence to join a Net Zero Collaborative Action Programme.

Our water stewardship projects in seven countries which are producing food for the UK are collectively replenishing more than 1.7 billion litres of water back to nature.
We established a presence in the Asia-Pacific region with the opening of our office in Australia.
We were delighted to see our third annual Food Waste Action Week continue to grow in scale. This year we reached 12 countries in seven languages. In the UK alone, 4.9 million people said they did something differently after hearing or seeing the campaign.

Read full message on page 3

- Seb Munden, Chair, WRAP

A message from our CEO

Harriet Lamb, Chief Executive, WRAP

"Over the last year, WRAP has clocked up impressive achievements – as the stories in this report tell. They build on decades of pioneering radical change."

While I was still finding the best hot-desk at WRAP, colleagues in Colombia were supporting the launch of a brand-new Plastics Pact, with companies committing to accelerate the move to a more circular economy for plastics; our Food Waste Action Week was engaging the public in 12 countries; and we were celebrating supermarkets’ first moves to sell more loose fruit and vegetables out of plastic packaging.

This depth and breadth of knowledge at WRAP has leapt out at me since taking on the role as Chief Executive. I am inspired by my colleagues’ expertise and passion to re-make the systems which are failing to put people and planet first.

The scale of the climate crisis demands that we harvest all the know-how, passion and partnership working WRAP has built up over the last decades to scale up, and speed up.

Never have the issues we hold been more prominent in everyone’s minds, from people’s kitchens to corporate boardrooms and political discourse.

Our only challenger is climate change. We are ready for the fight.

Read full message on page 5

- Harriet Lamb, Chief Executive, WRAP

Unite with us to tackle climate change

  • Sign up to one of our voluntary agreements.

  • Support our research to develop an even stronger evidence base.

  • Work on a joint project to deliver behaviour change.

  • Get involved with one of our citizen campaigns.

  • Donate to further our charitable aims.

Transforming our food system

Sharm El Sheikh Mustafa Mosque

We are building a food system fit for the future by halving food waste, halving greenhouse gas emissions, and protecting critical water sources. Here are a few examples of our achievements in 2022/23:

  • Food Waste Action Week in 12 countries with 4.9M UK adults changing behaviour.
  • 'Best Before’ removed from thousands of products, driven by our research.
  • 11,200+ tonnes of food redistributed by Resource Action Fund recipients.
  • Developed world’s first methodology for consistently measuring and reporting Scope 3 emissions.

Tackling plastic pollution

Sharm El Sheikh Mustafa Mosque

We are transforming the global plastics economy to eliminate plastic pollution. Here are a few examples of our progress:

  • Plastics Pact network grew to 14 with new Pact in Colombia (2022/23).
  • UK Plastics Pact saw 84% reduction in ‘problem plastics’ (2018-2021).
  • Developed pathway to selling more uncut fresh fruit and vegetables loose (2022/23).
  • Resource Action Fund recipients saved 11,500+ tonnes of plastic from landfill (2022/23).

Transforming textiles

Sharm El Sheikh Mustafa Mosque

We are championing circularity across the global clothing and textiles industry to reduce its climate impact. Here are a few examples of our achievements in 2022/23:

  • 115 signatories committed to Textiles 2030.
  • Developed Footprint Tool for signatories to estimate Scope 3 emissions.
  • Textiles Action Network extended to Denmark.
  • Published two reports informing UK Extended Producer Responsibility.

Developing a circular economy

Sharm El Sheikh Mustafa Mosque

We are supporting the transition to net zero through resource efficiency and more circular living. Here are a few examples of our achievements in 2022/23:

  • Published seven strategies for G7 to tackle emissions.
  • 3.7M UK adults changed behaviour thanks to Recycle Week.
  • Circular Economy Fund saved 8,200+ tonnes CO².
  • Positively influenced £1BN+ of Welsh public sector spend.

Join the fight against climate change.

Fill out the form and one of our experts will be in touch shortly.

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