Supporting local authorities to improve recycling quality and quantity
We work closely with local authorities, providing you with free-to-use resources and support, to help make your waste and recycling service the best it can be.
We understand that the design and delivery of waste and recycling services is a tricky area to navigate, particularly with budget pressures, regulatory uncertainty, Covid-19 and climate change pressures.
What is WRAP doing?
Tap into WRAP
Tap into WRAP to access everything you need to keep momentum going in your community. Whether that be communication or technical resources, one-to-one support, or simply some impartial guidance and advice; we are here to help.
Webinars for local authorities
Browse our collection of previous webinars covering a range of topics including tackling contamination, the benefits of introducing a food waste collection and communicating service changes. You can also find out how to sign up for upcoming webinars.
Technical support
From technical guidance on reducing contamination, to tools for benchmarking your service against others - our technical support page contains all our most popular resources in one place.
A framework for greater consistency in household recycling in England
Consistency in Collections
Bringing together local authorities, the waste management industry, and retailers to increase the quantity and quality of material collected for recycling.
Service performance
Local Authority Data Portal
The Local Authority Waste and Recycling Information Portal is a great place to start when you’re looking to review the performance of your current service, and to discover how it is performing against similar schemes or other local authorities.
Key resources for local authorities
WRAP has a wealth of resources to help support your work. If you can’t find what you’re looking for, get in touch.
Explore more resources
Browse all reports, guides, case studies and tools for local authorities.