Close up of corn growing

WRAP's work in Mexico

WRAP’s role

Prepared by the World Bank and WRAP on behalf of the government of Mexico, the Conceptual Framework brings together data on food loss and waste in Mexico for the first time, painting a compelling picture of the current situation and creating a framework for action, including the recommendation for a dedicated public-private partnership.

With funding from The Roddenbery Foundation and P4G, this led to the formation of Pacto por la Comida – the first initiative of its kind in Latin America. Pacto por la Comida is delivered in collaboration with Red de Bancos de Alimentos de Mexico (BAMX) with an ambition aligned to United Nations Sustainable Development Goals 2 (Zero Hunger) and 12.3 Target (50% reduction in food loss and waste by 2030).

The initiative enables stakeholders across the Mexican supply chain to adopt the food loss and waste reduction principles of Target, Measure, Act. Pacto por la Comida has over 20 signatories, representing major food retailer and brands.


Signatories include major retailers, food manufacturers and hospitality and foodservice businesses. View the latest list of signatories here


Pacto por la Comida shares the United Nations Sustainable Development Goal 12.3, a target to half food waste by 2030. Activity also supports United Nations Sustainable Development Goal 2, zero hunger by 2030.

Milestones and impact  

Connected to Pacto por la Comida, WRAP and BAMX were awarded funding from The Posner Foundation in 2022 to help drive behaviour change in reducing food waste in and out of home.

Activity has involved the development of citizen behavior change campaign, the testing of food prevention interventions in hotels and restaurants, plus retailer and brands utilizing their operational and communication influence. Activity is underway and we will share our results in the near future. 

Visit the Pacto por la Comida website