UNFCCC COP28 Around The Venue photo by Kiara Worth


Photo credit: UNFCCC COP28 Around The Venue | Kiara Worth

The untapped solutions to climate change

Climate change is a global crisis which requires a global collaborative response.

By transforming the way we use the planet’s resources – from the food we eat, to the clothes we wear, and the goods we buy – we can reduce the devastating impact of climate change and limit global warming to 1.5OC.

Almost half (45%) of global greenhouse gas emissions can only be tackled by changing the way we make and consume products and food. Renewable energy alone will not halt climate change – we must go beyond this and adopt circular living.  

Addressing consumption means making more ambitious commitments towards a circular economy and transforming our global food system. We need to:

  • Reduce consumption, waste less, and reuse and recycle more.

  • Design materials and products to stay in use for as long as possible.

  • Change diets, adapt farming methods, and prevent food loss and waste from farm to fork.

Updates from COP28

Follow us on LinkedIn and X for updates.

12 December 2023

COP28 - A summary

Our delegates reflect on the conversations they’ve been part of and look forward to new actions to address food waste and help limit global warming to 1.5°C.

8 December 2023

Reducing consumer food waste, protecting the planet

EU Side Event at COP in collaboration with WRAP.

7 December 2023

Week 1 reflections

It's been a busy first week at COP28. Dr Richard Swannell and David Rogers share their highlights.

5 December 2023

Scaling up action on food waste globally

Two announcements today showcase a big step forward in scaling up action on food waste around the world:

  • We are proud to be part of a group of leading funders and partners that have contributed to the philanthropic roadmap which outlines $300M in ready-to-fund philanthropic investments to tackle food loss and waste around the world. - Philanthropic roadmap for food loss and waste
  • As advisory partners to ReFED & WWF, today sees the launch of The US Food Waste Pact, the latest national initiative tackling food waste, joining countries like Mexico, South Africa, Australia and Indonesia. - US Food Waste Pact

COP28 – Dubai, United Arab Emirates

WRAP will have a delegation on the ground in the United Arab Emirates, calling on governments, policymakers, and businesses to do more. We urge:

  •  All countries to measure and act on emissions from imported goods generated along their global supply chains (consumption-based emissions).  
  •  All countries to include actions in their Nationally Determined Contributions to reduce food waste and support businesses and individuals to change the way they produce and consume goods and services.   
  •  All businesses to work with suppliers and partners – via voluntary agreements, for example – to set and commit to delivering greenhouse gas targets in line with 1.5OC, including Scope 3 emissions.  
Terra – The Sustainability Pavilion - Expo City Dubai

WRAP’s COP28 programme

WRAP Programme of Events OP28

Download WRAP’s COP28 programme of events

This programme is being constantly updated so please check back for new additions.

WRAP delegation

This is our team of experts representing WRAP at COP28, and the dates that they will be in attendance:

The team is delighted to be joined by two of our partners:

Created with Raphaël 2.1.0

Join the hundreds of organisations we work with globally including:

Coca-Cola European Partners Nestle Proctor and Gamble Pepsico J Sainsbury Tesco Unilever