Our projects and partners in the Americas
WRAP works globally with governments, businesses, and communities to transform the way goods are produced, consumed, and disposed of, focusing on plastics, food and textiles.
We are working across the Americas in collaboration with leading partners to deliver several transformational projects.
WRAP trabaja a nivel global con gobiernos, empresas y comunidades para transformar la forma en que se producen, consumen y eliminan bienes, con un enfoque en plásticos, alimentos y textiles.
Trabajamos en toda América con socios líderes para implementar diversos proyectos transformadores.
A WRAP trabalha com governos, empresas e comunidades ao redor do mundo para transformar a forma como bens são produzidos, consumidos e descartados, com foco em plásticos, alimentos e têxteis.
Estamos trabalhando nas Américas em colaboração com parceiros líderes no setor para entregar vários projetos transformacionais.

WRAP developed the first Plastics Pact in 2018, in partnership with the Ellen MacArthur Foundation, and since then 14 other national and regional Plastics Pacts have followed – all based on the UK Plastics Pact approach.
WRAP has worked with partners to drive the development and delivery of this powerful network. Here are some examples:
Canada Plastics Pact (CPP)
Launched in January 2021, WRAP has provided strategic and operational support throughout the Canada Plastics Pact development and delivery. The CPP is led and managed by The Natural Step Canada. WRAP is supporting the Pact to develop the next phase of its Roadmap 2.0.
More about the Canada Plastics Pact
The United States Plastics Pact
The U.S. Plastics Pact launched in 2020. WRAP supported the development of the US Plastics Pact Roadmap in collaboration with members and supporters. WRAP provides technical support to the Pact and is working with partners to develop its post 2025 strategy.
More about The US Plastics Pact
Chile Plastics Pact
The Chilean Plastics Pact (also known as Circula el Plastico) launched in 2019 and is co-led by Fundación Chile and the Ministry of Environment. Since its launch, Circula el Plastico has published a roadmap and two annual reports to track progress.
WRAP has been supporting Circula el Plastico from the design of the Pact into the implementation of its action groups, by providing strategic, operational and technical guidance as well as financial support for some of its initiatives.
More about the Chile Plastics Pact
Colombia Plastic Pact
The Colombia Plastic Pact launched in 2023 is coordinated by the Colombian non-profit CEMPRE (The Business Commitment to Recycling). It aims to increase alignment and collaboration towards plastics circularity by bringing together the plastics value chain from plastic producers to recyclers, academia, NGO, trade associations and public organizations.
WRAP has been providing financial and technical support for the development of the Pact, which is now in the process of developing its roadmap.
More about the Colombia Plastics Pact
WRAP is supporting the transition to a circular economy for plastics in Mexico by initiating a Plastics Pact in collaboration with WWF, which will launch in 2023. WRAP is also supporting the Mexico City Plastic Action Partnership led by the World Economic Forum, the Secretary of Environment of Mexico City and WWF.
WRAP developed the first public-private partnership to tackle food loss and waste in the UK in 2005, known as The Courtauld Commitment. Since then, five other national and regional food loss and waste public private partnerships have been developed by WRAP and influenced the formation of other collaborative partnerships driving change within the food sector – all based on The Courtauld Commitment approach.
WRAP has worked to support the development and delivery of a powerful network of public-private partnerships tackling food waste worldwide.
Pacific Coast Food Waste Commitment (PCFWC)
PCFWC aims to reduce waste in the region across the supply chain through the food loss and waste reduction principles ‘Target, Measure, Act’ at regional and local level, aligned with United Nations Sustainable Development Goal 12.3.
The initiative is delivered by WRAP, WWF, ReFED and Cascadia.
More about the Pacific Coast Food Waste Commitment
In 2019, the World Bank commissioned WRAP as one of the world’s leading organizations on food loss and waste, to collaborate on the development of framework for action on food waste within Mexico.
More about WRAP's work on food waste in Mexico
Canada is one of eight countries who are using the knowledge and insights of our citizen behaviour change campaign, Love Food Hate Waste.
Love Food Hate Waste was first introduced to Canada by Metro Vancouver as a regional campaign. Love Food Hate Waste Canada was then launched nationwide in July 2018 by Metro Vancouver through the National Zero Waste Council in collaboration with a number of business, government and non-profit partners.
WRAP worked with the team in Canada to help them to set up their campaign and continue to work closely with them to share best practice and deliver global campaigns such as Food Waste Action Week.
The licencing and use of Love Food Hate Waste on an international level, means those who sign up to it gain access to the use of our already established International, trusted and highly successful citizen facing food waste brand.
Work with us
Our current partners for our work in The Americas includes Amazon, BAMX, Cascadia, CEMPRE, The Natural Step, Canada, The US Plastics Pact, Posner, ReFed, UNEP, Walmart, World Bank, WWF Mexico and WWF US.
Work to tackle food waste and plastic pollution continues within The Americas and other areas in the region are being explored.
WRAP does not currently run any textiles projects within The Americas. More information on our global work on textiles can be found here.
If you are a funder, or an organisation interested in working with us within The Americas, get in touch.