Multi-million-pound funding driving progress towards Plastics Pact targets around the globe
In just under two years, WRAP has delivered a multi-million-pound global programme working with partners to deliver change in plastic pollution hotspots.
- With funding provided by Innovate UK, we have awarded millions to partners around the globe, working in collaboration with in-country partners, bringing our operational and technical expertise to help deliver impact.
- Funding has helped deliver projects and accelerate innovation to tackle the plastic pollution crisis in India, Chile, South Africa, Kenya, Mexico, and Colombia.
- WRAP set up the first business-to-business innovation and knowledge sharing programme across 20 global initiatives under the ‘3Cs network’.
Read about how the funding has been used to accelerate innovation and progress Plastics Pacts around the world.
Accelerating Innovation Progressing Plastics Pacts The 3Cs Network
International Circular Plastic Flagship Competition Projects
Innovation has a key role to play in transforming our plastics system globally.
Funding has been awarded to five UK based innovators to deliver programmes with in-country partners that tackle specific plastic related issues within India, Chile, South Africa and Kenya.
- The competition called for technical innovations to address specific challenges identified by the India Plastics Pact, Chile Plastics Pact, South Africa Plastics Pact and Kenya Plastics Pact.
- The funding has helped the innovators work with in-country partners to test, learn and then scale models to build a business case for investment.

Notpla | Chile
New legislation in Chile to ban single use plastics has led to food service industry seeking alternatives.
This project trialled and tested consumer attitudes and market appetite for compostable sachets and pipets.

WasteAid | South Africa
Read how the project helped improve the collection and use of low value plastics such as flexible film packets in the Mpumalanga Province, South Africa.
Discover how circular waste management practices can contribute to sustainable development.

ReVentas | India
The project has optimised the process creating near-virgin grade polymers which puts waste milk pouches back into high grade products like shampoo sachets.
The grant has helped progress technical elements and been crucial in de-risking the commercialisation of the process.

Safi | Kenya
The project demonstrated the potential to revolutionise waste recycling, taking AI technology used in Europe, in the developing world.
The study achieved comparable accuracy levels and collected quality images using a mobile phone camera - critical for scaling the technology in similar countries to enable instant payment to waste collectors through AI vision systems.

Interface Polymers | India
Indian company Dalmia, working in partnership with Interface, aimed to demonstrate that through mechanical recycling this single-use plastic waste, destined for landfill or incineration, could be turned in to high value applications such as injection moulded car components and packaging.
The Circularity and Climate Champions network (3C network)
Collaboration is key in tackling the plastic pollution crisis around the world. To harness the learnings and innovations from around the world WRAP developed its 3C network.
- The business-to-business innovation and knowledge sharing network brings together 20 global initiatives under the ‘3Cs network’.
- It includes all members of the global Plastics Pacts and National Plastic Action Partnership (NPAPs).
- It provides a forum to exchange innovations and knowledge between Plastics Pact members around the world through quarterly exchange events.
- Recent exchange events have focussed on progressing critical work the areas of reuse & refill and advanced recycling.

Funding helped the Chilean Plastics Pact pilot an eight-month collection of flexible plastics house-to-house in the Lo Barnechea and Nuñoa municipalities:
- Flexible plastics are collected in very limited volumes in Chile via ‘puntos limpios’, making door-to-door collections a radical departure. The campaign proved extremely popular, with upwards of 67% of participants motivated to recycle more. As a result, the Chilean Plastics Pact is working on a strategy towards national coordinated action on flexibles.
Semana del Reciclaje. The first ever Recycle Week in Chile:
- WRAP also supported the Chilean Plastic Pact to design and implement the very first 'Recycle Week' out of the UK. The campaign was so successful that the Chile PP is already planning the second campaign for 2023.

WRAP supported the India Plastics Pact to provide the first full scale assessment of the plastic waste recycling in the country, for both formal and informal recyclers, regional variations in rates, and the end-markets for recycled plastic.
The engagement of members was a crucial aspect, and the India Plastics Pact saw a significant increase in membership and support since its launch in September 2021. With 32 Members and 15 Supporters as of May 2023, the Pact is actively expanding its reach and aims to introduce Associate Membership to relevant businesses, especially Micros, Small, and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs), to drive wider action across the country.
WRAP worked with the Kenya Plastics Pact team to develop an in-country Roadmap and list its problematic plastics.

Establishing new Plastic Pacts
WRAP and local partner CEMPRE developed and launched the Colombian Plastics Pact:
- The Pact was developed during a time of political changes, but successfully launched with nine members and allies across the supply chain.
- CEMPRE, with support from WRAP, is now focusing on the development of the country's Plastics Roadmap and list its problematic plastics, as well as accelerating recruitment.
In Mexico, WRAP and Innovate UK’s support helped advance the potential for the development of a Plastics Pact in the country, helping to establish connections with key stakeholders from government and the different sectors of the plastic value chain.