New legislation in Chile to ban single use plastics has led to the food service industry seeking alternatives.  

This project trialled and tested consumer attitudes and market appetite for a compostable sachet and pipet. 

  • New legislation in Chile to ban single use plastics has led to food service industry seeking alternatives.  
  • The project looked at consumer trials to test and learn about consumer attitudes and test market appetite for a compostable sachet to replace the standard single use sachet.
  • They found a strong need and demand for a sustainable alternative.  
  • Having rigorously tested the products, Notpla Film and Notpla Pipettes, it further validated that they can be the solution to meet growing demand and with further development to improve the product, and meet supply chain pressures.
  • They believe that once the legislation has levelled the playing field and they can work at scale their products will be able to compete on quality and price with traditional single-use plastic packaging.
  • They have also been able to develop the international and local business relationships which will be necessary to capitalise on the new opportunities in the Chilean market.  

Businesses like Notpla need all the help we can get in developing truly sustainable packaging and building the new industries of the green economy, in the UK and globally. We have loved working with WRAP on our exciting project in Chile, they were understanding and encouraging throughout and supported us to implement a successful project which has been really important to Notpla in establishing our innovative packaging solutions in the global market. It's great to have a funder which is so passionate about our mission to make plastic packaging disappear.

Pierre Paslier, CoFounder/Co-CEO, Notpla 

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  • Notpla Final Report.pdf

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