Chile Plastics Pact

WRAP’s role

WRAP has been supporting Fundación Chile from the design of the Pact into the implementation of its action groups, by providing strategic, operational and technical guidance as well as financial support for some of its initiatives. 

WRAP provided Circula el Plastico technical and financial support for a flexibles collection, sorting and recycling pilot. This pilot included a citizen engagement campaign, “Duro con el Flexible”, to collect flexible PE and PP in two municipalities of Santiago, Chile together with other recyclables. These were then sorted manually and taken to recyclers to test the quality of the recycled material and explore end markets.  

Using insights and experience from WRAP’s long-standing UK-based Recycle Week, WRAP also gave technical and financial support for the design and delivery of the first Recycle Week, “Semana del Reciclaje” in Chile. This is now an annual citizen engagement campaign to encourage recycling of plastic packaging delivered in collaboration with businesses, NGOs, government, municipalities and others. 

Who's signed up?

The Chilean Plastics Pact has 17 business members from along the plastics value chain and 29 supporters including government organizations, municipal associations, trade associations, academia, NGO, PROs, waste picker associations and others.


The Chilean Plastics Pact its working towards the following 4 targets by 2025: 

  1. Take action to eliminate problematic and unnecessary plastics through redesign and innovation.

  1. 100% of plastic packaging to be reusable, recyclable or compostable.

  1. 1/3 of household and non-household plastic packaging to be effectively recycled, reused or composted.

  1. 25% average recycled content across all plastic packaging.

Milestones and impact  

Since its launch, Circula el Plastico has: 

  • Collaboratively developed and published National roadmap for circular economy of plastics packaging, with over 50 organisations from private, public and civil sector. 

  • Supported the analysis and design of national policy such as the regulation for enabling the inclusion of recycled content in food packaging and the Single Use Plastics Law. 

  • Mobilized businesses to increase circularity of their plastic packaging, including the development of guidance, studies, pilots and collective projects. 

  • Collaboratively designed and delivered interventions to encourage citizens to reuse and recycle more.

Visit the Chile Plastic Pact website