The WRAP commercial and household waste/recycling ‘apportionment tool’ assists local authorities to calculate the proportion of waste and recycling when it is co-collected on the same vehicle.
Key points
- Provide consistency in the approach used by local authorities to apportion tonnages
- Improve the accuracy of data
- Assist with budgeting and service development
The tool was developed in conjunction with a steering group which included representatives from NAWDO, Larac, Defra and the Environment Agency/Natural Resources Wales.
It has been designed to be simple to use, local authorities only need to input how many bin lifts are made - by size and material type.
The tool was tested by comparing it with actual dedicated round data which showed that it produces results which are not statistically different.
A user guide is available to support the use of the tool.
- Introduction
- Background and purpose of the guide
- Tool development
- Future development
- Summary
- How does the tool work?
- Worked example
- Advantages
- Limitations
- Updating or amending the tool
- Data requirements
- Minimum data requirements
- What to do if a Local Authority does not have the minimum information
- How to enhance data quality
- Collection monitoring options
- Approach to estimating use of sacks
- Using the tool
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