17 September 2019 Case study

Production and manufacture case studies

Business case studies from producers and manufacturers implementing 'Target, Measure, Act' in the food and drink supply chain.

Food and Drink Federation

'Tackling food waste wherever it occurs is a key priority for Food and Drink Federation (FDF) members, with particular emphasis on preventing surplus and waste from occurring in the first place. This is illustrated by the commitments FDF has made in its Ambition 2025. FDF welcomed the launch of the WRAP-IGD Food Waste Reduction Roadmap in 2018, and as a supporting organisation, has been working with member companies to help achieve its goals. FDF has collaborated with WRAP to deliver webinars on the Roadmap to our members, tailored to the interests of food and drink manufacturers. These allow members to gain a further understanding of the Target, Measure, Act approach and learn how it can work for them, with the opportunity to ask questions specific to their individual operations.

'FDF continues to highlight the value of the Roadmap and the Target, Measure, Act approach through a variety of communication channels, including a letter emphasising the importance of the Roadmap and inviting members to commit to it.'