Sector specific actions to support delivery of the UK Food Waste Reduction Roadmap.
- Food and drink
- Reducing and preventing food waste
- Measuring and reporting food waste
- Courtauld Commitment
- Food Waste Reduction Roadmap
- Guardians of Grub
- Fresh produce sector
- Dairy sector
- Bakery sector
- Ambient foods sector
- Convenience, chilled foods and frozen
- Household food waste
- Farmers and growers
- Hospitality and food service
- Manufacturers
- Retailers and brands
- Waste management and reprocessors
This guide is a summary of the top actions from best practice guidance developed by WRAP, Defra, and the FSA for each highly wasted food category that industry can adopt to reduce household food waste.
- Food and drink
- Reducing and preventing food waste
- Courtauld Commitment
- Food date labelling
- Meat, poultry and fish
- Fresh produce sector
- Dairy sector
- Bakery sector
- Ambient foods sector
- Convenience, chilled foods and frozen
- Household food waste
- Behaviour change interventions
- Manufacturers
- Retailers and brands
- Local Authorities
- Packaging producers
The effects of climate change are becoming ever more visible and damaging, and the security of our food supply is being tested to its limits.
Taking action through Courtauld 2030 is more important than ever.
- Reducing and preventing food waste
- Measuring and reporting food waste
- Surplus food redistribution
- Water stewardship
- Courtauld Commitment
- Food Waste Reduction Roadmap
- Guardians of Grub
- Reducing greenhouse gas emissions
- Food date labelling
- Meat, poultry and fish
- Fresh produce sector
- Dairy sector
- Bakery sector
- Ambient foods sector
- Convenience, chilled foods and frozen
- Household food waste
- Behaviour change interventions
- Farmers and growers
- Hospitality and food service
- Manufacturers
- Retailers and brands
- Trade associations
- National government and departments
- Non-governmental organisations
A ground-breaking, industry wide roadmap and toolkit that:
- Allows businesses to measure and report consistently and with confidence.
- Helps food businesses take targeted action to reduce waste in their own operations, their supply chain and from consumers.
- Helps the food sector deliver against Courtauld Commitment 2030 targets.
- Helps the UK deliver its part in delivering the UN's Sustainable Development Goal 12.3.
- Target: Emphasising that best practice is to set a target that ‘meets or exceeds’ SDG target 12.3.
- Measure: Clarifying that ‘measure’ means ‘measure and report to WRAP.’
- Act: There are now separate milestones for each of the three action areas of operational food waste, collaborative action and citizen food waste so that progress can be tracked, and relevant action taken to accelerate progress further if required.
- Food and drink
- Reducing and preventing food waste
- Measuring and reporting food waste
- Surplus food redistribution
- Courtauld Commitment
- Food Waste Reduction Roadmap
- Guardians of Grub
- Meat, poultry and fish
- Fresh produce sector
- Dairy sector
- Bakery sector
- Ambient foods sector
- Convenience, chilled foods and frozen
- Whole chain resource efficiency
- UN SDG 12.3
- Farmers and growers
- Hospitality and food service
- Manufacturers
- Retailers and brands
- Waste management and reprocessors
- Trade associations
Highlighting progress made in the third year of the Food Waste Reduction Roadmap:
- 251,000 tonnes of food worth £365 million saved from waste.
- 670,000 tonnes of GHG emissions potentially avoided.
- 145 million meals redistributed.
- Major opportunities for greater impact remain – industry action focused on Hospitality and Food Service sector and whole chain collaboration.
- Food and drink
- Reducing and preventing food waste
- Measuring and reporting food waste
- Surplus food redistribution
- Courtauld Commitment
- Food Waste Reduction Roadmap
- Guardians of Grub
- Guardians of Grub Becoming a Champion
- Meat, poultry and fish
- Fresh produce sector
- Dairy sector
- Bakery sector
- Ambient foods sector
- Convenience, chilled foods and frozen
- Whole chain resource efficiency
- Household food waste
- UN SDG 12.3
- Farmers and growers
- Hospitality and food service
- Manufacturers
- Retailers and brands
- Trade associations
WRAP works with governments, businesses and citizens to create a world in which resources are used sustainably. Read our April 2020-21 annual review to learn more about our mission to accelerate the move to a sustainable, resource-efficient economy.
- Plastic Packaging
- Eliminating problem plastics
- The UK Plastics Pact
- Plastic packaging design
- Global Plastics Pacts
- Reuse and refill
- Film and flexible packaging
- Waste management and end markets
- Food and drink
- Reducing and preventing food waste
- Measuring and reporting food waste
- Surplus food redistribution
- Water stewardship
- Courtauld Commitment
- Food Waste Reduction Roadmap
- Guardians of Grub
- Guardians of Grub Becoming a Champion
- Reducing greenhouse gas emissions
- Food date labelling
- Meat, poultry and fish
- Fresh produce sector
- Dairy sector
- Bakery sector
- Ambient foods sector
- Convenience, chilled foods and frozen
- Funding
- Whole chain resource efficiency
- Household food waste
- Behaviour change interventions
- Refresh
- UN SDG 12.3
- Textiles
- Fibre & fabric selection
- Consumer behaviour
- Re-use & recycling
- Non-clothing textiles
- Design for extending clothing life
- SCAP 2020
- Textiles 2030
- Collections & recycling
- Consistency in collections
- Service design
- Communicating with residents
- Contamination prevention
- Collections and sorting
- Kerbside collection
- Recycling in urban areas
- HWRCs & bring sites
- Commercial waste
- Material Recovery Facilities
- Re-use
- Dry materials
- Organics
- Recovered materials markets
- Market situation reports
- Market snapshots
- Gate fees
- UN SDG 12.5
- Electricals
- Product durability
- Minimising product returns
- Consumer behaviour
- Re-use and recycling
- Circular Economy Fund
- Public Sector Procurement Support
- Farmers and growers
- Hospitality and food service
- Manufacturers
- Retailers and brands
- Textiles sourcers, producers and designers
- Waste management and reprocessors
- Local Authorities
- Packaging producers
- Trade associations
- National government and departments
- Non-governmental organisations
BBF is one of the UK’s leading ambient cake and chilled dessert manufacturers of retailer own label, licensed and branded cakes, supplying recognisable retailers across in the UK and internationally.
- Food and drink
- Bakery sector
- UN SDG 12.3
- Manufacturers
- Retailers and brands
KP Snack brands include McCoy’s, Hula Hoops, Tyrrells, Butterkist, KP Nuts, Pom-Bear and popchips. The company also produces products for UK retailers.
- Food and drink
- Reducing and preventing food waste
- Measuring and reporting food waste
- Food Waste Reduction Roadmap
- Bakery sector
- UN SDG 12.3
- Manufacturers
Kellogg Company brands include Pringles®, Cheez-It®, Keebler®, Special K®, Kellogg's Frosted Flakes®, Pop-Tarts®, Kellogg's Corn Flakes®, Rice Krispies®, Eggo®, MiniWheats®, Kashi®, RXBAR® and more.
- Food and drink
- Reducing and preventing food waste
- Measuring and reporting food waste
- Food Waste Reduction Roadmap
- Bakery sector
- Manufacturers
Allied Bakeries are the bakers behind household brands Kingsmill, Allinson’s and Burgen.
- Reducing and preventing food waste
- Measuring and reporting food waste
- Food Waste Reduction Roadmap
- Bakery sector
- UN SDG 12.3
- Manufacturers
Date labels, storage advice and freezing for food safety
This summary information produced by WRAP, the Food Standards Agency and Defra covers date labelling and storage instruction requirements for surplus food, in order for it to be safely redistributed. The aim is to increase the amount of food made available by food businesses for redistribution and accepted by recipient organisations.
- Food and drink
- Reducing and preventing food waste
- Surplus food redistribution
- Courtauld Commitment
- Food Waste Reduction Roadmap
- Guardians of Grub
- Food date labelling
- Meat, poultry and fish
- Fresh produce sector
- Dairy sector
- Bakery sector
- Ambient foods sector
- Convenience, chilled foods and frozen
- UN SDG 12.3
- Farmers and growers
- Hospitality and food service
- Manufacturers
- Retailers and brands
- Local Authorities
- Packaging producers
- Trade associations
- Non-governmental organisations
The purpose of this guidance is to ensure that bread and bakery goods are properly labelled and stored and used correctly in the home.
- Courtauld Commitment
- Food Waste Reduction Roadmap
- Food date labelling
- Bakery sector
- UN SDG 12.3
- Farmers and growers
- Hospitality and food service
- Manufacturers
- Retailers and brands
- Packaging producers
- Trade associations