12 June 2012 Report


This content has been archived.

This section of the data portal provides a summary of developments in the UK’s recovered glass market. The data presented here comes from respected, publicly available and regularly updated sources on the internet. By following the links above the graphics, you can find out more details on the source of the data and visit the sites to access the full data.

The current highlights and trends are:

Recovered glass container prices

•Clear cullet prices have averaged around £20 per tonne since the start of the year, and in recent months have reached 3 year highs of £23 per tonne.
•Amber cullet prices have seen overall improvement throughout the year, averaging around £17 per tonne since the start of the year.
•Green cullet prices have continued to fluctuate throughout the year, averaging at £15 per tonne. 
•Mixed cullet prices have also fluctuated during 2019, averaging at £10 per tonne.

Glass packaging recycling

•Total glass packaging recycled (including remelt and aggregate) totalled 316kt in 2019Q2. This was 5kt down on the previous quarter and around 30kt less than the same period in 2018.