WRAP shows G7 how to save 0.8 billion tonnes of CO2eq emissions with greater focus on consumption-based emissions

WRAP devises seven strategies for the G7 to tackle consumption-based emissions and save nearly one billion tonnes of CO2eq emissions a year, by 2030.

Global climate action NGO WRAP has produced a report for the G7 in support of the seismic shift in international strategies tackling greenhouse gas emissions expected to take place soon, and to help address the massive volume of greenhouse gases linked to ‘consumption’ currently passing unchecked into the atmosphere every year.

With G7 countries controlling or influencing a quarter (27%) of all global emissions, WRAP welcomed the announcement earlier this year that the G7 would increase focus on making resource efficiency and circular economy the norm and pursuing sustainable consumption and production models. Since then, the climate action NGO has been developing a series of strategies to help implement the intentions laid out by the G7.

WRAP examined the difference between territorial and consumption-based emissions (which includes emissions connected with imported goods such as food etc.) within the G7 and found 1.8 billion tonnes of GHG emissions, measured in CO2eq are currently being missed by focusing on territorial emissions, and not equally on consumption-based emissions.

Marcus Gover, WRAP CEO “Actions by every citizen on Earth are fuelling this climate emergency, and Governments need to move faster in acting on consumption-based emissions. The G7 members alone are currently falling short by nearly 2 billion tonnes of GHG emissions every year in terms of consumption-based emissions. Our report is the blueprint for those nations to implement the promises they have made, and we look forward to supporting them in doing so.”

The findings are from WRAP’s report SEVEN STEPS TOWARDS NET ZERO, which expands on earlier work examining the situation in the UK that set out eight strategies to tackle consumption-based emissions. The new report takes the work to an international level with an assessment of the G7 member states - and makes recommendations applicable for other governments and businesses across all nations.

A key blind spot identified by WRAP shows that those countries that import a high proportion of foods, goods and services fail to measure and report the emissions embedded into those imported goods. These are currently not captured or counted, and impossible to address.

To help counter this and provide a framework for how the G7 members can effectively reduce consumption-based emissions through resource efficiency, WRAP sets out seven strategies that can be adopted across government, business and civil society.

These fall under three categories of transforming food systems, making products last longer and changing material use and detail the potential greenhouse gas emission reductions possible against three scenarios from a low impact, a central and a transformative scenario with radical change in levels of consumption.

For example, the enormous carbon footprint of food production contributes 37% of global greenhouse gas emissions. This can be reduced in three ways: by cutting emissions from food production (e.g., regenerative agriculture), changing the types of food we produce and eat and reducing food waste. For the G7, a low impact scenario involving a 40% reduction in food waste from retail and citizens would yield an estimated saving of 60 million tonnes CO2e per year; while the central scenario that met SDG 12.3 would save 76 million tonnes CO2e per year. And a transformative scenario would see 370 million tonnes CO2e per year.

“G7 countries waste 91 million tonnes of food annually or almost 10% of all food wasted globally. Yet, effective action is possible. For example, the UK has reduced food waste by 27% per capita since 2007, beating a path towards successful delivery of SDG 12.3,” says Clementine O’Connor, UNEP Programme Management Officer for Sustainable Food Systems. “With food loss and waste generating 8-10% of global greenhouse gas emissions, it is urgent to embed food loss and waste reduction in NDCs and net zero pathways and highlight the contribution of consumption-based emissions.”

The seven strategies identified by WRAP support reductions in both territorial and consumption-based emissions. If implemented, G7 countries could avoid between 300 and 1,800 million tonnes CO2e per year by 2030, with a central estimate of 800 million tonnes CO2e by implementing all recommendations fully. They also offer benefits for health and wellbeing, as well as helping to address environmental issues such as biodiversity loss.

WRAP is calling on not only the G7 nations of Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, UK and the USA, but on all countries to monitor and set reduction targets for their consumption-based emissions, alongside reporting territorial emissions under existing international agreements.

Specifically, WRAP warns that we risk missing the 1.5°C Paris Agreement if the following do not happen:

  • All countries, particularly G7, to measure and act on emissions from imported goods generated along with global supply chains (consumption-based emissions).
  • All countries to include actions to reduce food waste in their Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs) submitted to all future COPs, and support businesses and individuals to change the way they produce and consume goods and services. This helps them to reduce territorial emissions.
  • All businesses to work with suppliers and partners to set and commit to deliver greenhouse gas target in line with 1.5°C, including their scope three emissions.



Notes to Editor

  • At each Conference of the Parties (COP), countries review progress in tackling global greenhouse gas emissions. To ensure that there is no double counting, and that countries understand what they are accountable for, the individual commitments they make are based on territorial emissions. It is this measure that governments most commonly use when setting domestic climate policy and ambition. However, as countries around the world trade internationally, their influence extends beyond national borders.  Consumption-based emissions take account of international trade, allocating emissions associated with producing those goods to the country in which they are consumed, rather than the country in which they are produced. 
  • Through its voluntary agreements, WRAP has helped the UK waste 27% less food waste each year, saving 5.3 million tonnes of CO2e annually. The organisation aims to reduce this by 50% by 2030.  It has helped reduce problematic and unnecessary plastic packaging sold in the UK by 46% since 2018 and has developed Plastics Pacts on every inhabited continent. More than 100 signatories are tackling the environmental impact of textiles, representing more than 62% of all clothing placed on the UK market. 
  • WRAP is a climate action NGO working around the globe to tackle the causes of the climate crisis and give the planet a sustainable future. Our vision is a thriving world in which climate change is no longer a problem. We believe that our natural resources should not be wasted and that everything we use should be re-used and recycled. We bring together and work with governments, businesses and individuals to ensure that the world’s natural resources are used more sustainably. Our core purpose is to help tackle climate change and protect our planet by changing the way things are produced, consumed and disposed of.
  • Our work includes: UK Plastics Pact, Courtauld Commitment 2030, Textiles 2030 and the citizen campaigns Love Food Hate Waste, Love Your Clothes and Recycle Now. We run Food Waste Action Week and Recycle Week.
  • Please contact: Ian Palmer, Media Relations Manager, [email protected] and 07802 873 431. www.wrap.org.uk


Contact details

Ian Palmer

Media Relations Manager

07802 873 431

 [email protected]