
5 March 2015

This section of the Household Waste Prevention Hub will guide you through the four main stages of delivering waste prevention in your local authority. 

  • Waste management and end markets
  • Local Authorities
4 March 2015

Local authorities may not be best placed to deliver messages to all audiences so it is important to look for partners such as medical services and advice networks. These services and networks can provide information to the parents prior to and after the birth of their baby, via classes, nappucinos (coffee mornings for new mothers) and other baby and toddler sessions etc.

  • Eliminating problem plastics
  • Consumer behaviour
  • Re-use and recycling
  • Local Authorities
  • National government and departments
  • Non-governmental organisations
4 March 2015

Real nappies can offer a more sustainable alternative to disposable nappies depending on how they are used.

In this section you will find out about real nappies and key things to consider when planning a campaign such as barriers, incentives and partnership working.

  • Eliminating problem plastics
  • Reuse and refill
  • Local Authorities
4 March 2015

In order to get people involved it is important to understand the target audience, work with partners and stakeholders, and link to national initiatives such as Go Real.

  • Eliminating problem plastics
  • Consumer behaviour
  • Re-use and recycling
  • Manufacturers
  • Retailers and brands
  • Local Authorities
  • National government and departments
3 March 2015

Some or all advertising mail items can be judged as unwanted; this can include addressed and unaddressed items, flyers and free newspapers.

  • Waste management and end markets
  • Commercial waste
  • Local Authorities
1 March 2015

WRAP has produced this guide to help health, safety and environment managers; or others with management responsibilities to improve the efficiency of their organisation’s use of resources – e.g. raw materials, water, energy – as a means of improving the performance of their business.

  • Plastic Packaging
  • Waste management and end markets
  • Collections & recycling
  • Collections and sorting
  • Commercial waste
  • Hospitality and food service
  • Manufacturers
  • Retailers and brands
  • Textiles sourcers, producers and designers
  • Waste management and reprocessors
  • Local Authorities
  • Packaging producers
  • Trade associations
  • National government and departments
  • Non-governmental organisations
11 February 2015

The United Kingdom faces substantial economic challenges in its use of labour and scarce natural resources. While the economy has significantly increased its resource efficiency in recent years, supply risks in an increasingly competitive context mean that better use of natural resources is needed.

  • Waste management and end markets
  • Waste management and reprocessors
Case study
3 February 2015

Collaboration and flexibility forge re-use success. Local authorities in Oxfordshire have partnered with a local charity  to deliver a combined bulky waste collection service.

  • Waste management and end markets
  • Local Authorities
  • Non-governmental organisations
1 December 2013

This report contains analysis of the impact of the carrier-bag charge introduced in Wales in 2011 on the sales of bin bags. It quantifies the increase in sales and compares this increase to the reduction in carrier-bag use that accompanied the introduction of the charge. There is also information on trends in sales of bags for life during this period.

  • Plastic Packaging