In November 2021, 65 stakeholders and partners from across all sectors of the UK food industry and water stewardship community made a commitment to collectively address water risk in the food and drink supply chain across the world and joined WRAP’s Water Roadmap, embarking on a collective journey to address water risk in our food & drink supply chain.
This report tracks progress and gives an update on achievements, whilst outlining the urgent action needed to not only deliver on targets but create a sustainable supply chain and prioritise climate action.
At a glance
- 60 businesses and 14 other stakeholders have signed up to the water roadmap, and seven collective action projects are in place
- Food and Drink businesses across the supply chain need to move from commitment to action: Only 56% of businesses signed up have undertaken Risk Mapping, with the target being 80% by the end of 2023
- In May 2023, the six retailers signed up to WWF’s Retailers’ Commitment for Nature agreed to a revised set of leadership actions and associated funding to drive progress towards the existing milestones set out in the Water Roadmap.
- 25 businesses are contributing to seven collective action projects, an increase from 17 in March 2023
- Collective Action projects in the UK and abroad, set up to test, learn and solve issues have since the last report:
- Engaged with over 100 local stakeholders and over 800 farmers
- Carried out more than 300 farm visits
- Put in place around 63 farm management plans
- Helped adopt around 60 on the ground interventions
- Helped replenish over 385 million litres of water to communities and nature.
Take action on water
Progress is being made but to achieve the shared Courtauld Targets all signatories must act now, to do three main things:
Urgently carry out water risk assessments;
Map your supply chains to identify water risk hotspots;
Invest in collective action projects.
If you would like to join the Water Roadmap, or any of the Water Roadmap collective action projects, please get in touch at
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Courtauld Commitment 2030 Water Roadmap Annual Report 2023 V2.0
PDF, 4.72 MB