These good practice guides are aimed at waste management companies and local authorities to encourage the collection of food waste from small to medium sized enterprises (SMEs), public sector organisations, and larger businesses.
- A Communications and Marketing Plan Template for your food waste collections service
- A Cash Flow Model to allow you to predict costs and income from your proposed service
- An Implementation Plan Template to enable you to plan over an initial 12 week period
- A series of case studies on food waste collection from NHS hospitals
The commercial food waste guide provides a step-by-step approach to the implementation of a commercial food waste collection service.
The guide largely draws on WRAP’s previous work in the sustainable management of food waste and the learnings from 10 WRAP-funded business food waste ‘demonstration projects’, launched in England in 2012.
The guide consists of a PDF guide, detailing 6 steps to food collection success, as well as templates and data models to enable local authorities.
Step 1: Assessing the opportunities and barriers
Aimed at senior and middle management, this stage will help you understand the: Drivers for more widespread collections of commercial food waste; Legislative requirements for the collection of food waste across the UK; and Key barriers that need to be overcome to introduce a sustainable collection service.
Step 2: Scoping the service
Aimed at senior operations and middle management, this stage will help you understand:
- Pre-requisites for an effective food waste collection service
- Composition of waste originating from hospitality sector businesses
- Typical yields of food waste that you could expect to collect by business type
- Customer expectations.
Step 3: Service planning and delivery
Aimed at operational staff, this stage will help you understand the:
- Impact food waste treatment has on your service plan
- Operational considerations including vehicles, containers and associated infrastructure
- Most appropriate collection options for your proposed scheme
- Health and safety considerations.
Step 4: Resourcing and costing the service
Aimed at senior management and operational staff, this stage will help you understand the:
- Capital and revenue costs and an appropriate pricing structure
- Human resource requirements
- How to sustain operations and build in contingency.
Step 5: Marketing and promotion
Aimed at management, operational and marketing/sales staff, this stage will help you understand:
- Different options for promoting your service and their relative impact and cost
- What tools are available to assist you
- Key messages and high impact branding for service literature.
Step 6: Monitoring and performance improvement
Aimed at management and operational staff, this stage will help you to understand:
- Why it’s important to monitor and evaluate your service
- What and how to monitor.
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Commercial food waste collections guide
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